
Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Best Things In Life Are Free

It's indeed true that you don't need a million (or even a billion) dollars to be happy. Happiness does come from small little events, things and encounters that are so much a part of our everyday life.
For me the songs of Kenny Rogers have always uplifted me, especially those from his 1983 album Eyes That See In The Dark. I was first introduced to Kenny Rogers in 1990 when our neighbour, Lovina, bought the album. Much later, in the mid-1990s, on a trip to Delhi, I bought the album from Adarsh Stores at Janpath, New Delhi. All these numbers became my favorites, and still remain to this day.
What's endearing about Kenny Rogers is his voice. His voice has such an indescribable roughness that blends well with that distinctive, unmistakable warmth and that unique blend lends a great deal of credibility to his country music.
His duet with Dolly Parton, Islands In The Stream has always been a hot favourite since the 1990s. It was only in 2008 that I saw a video of this song on YouTube, which made me fall in love all-over again, not only with the song but also with Kenny's voice.

Just yesterday, while in a traffic jam on the way to office, on a whim, I tweeted RJ Hrishi Kay with my request to play Islands In The Stream. And after about an hour when I was just about entering Bandra Kurla Complex, Islands In The Stream was aired, which went on right till I reached my parking lot. I was pleasantly surprised.
The heartwarming song made my day and I walked with a spring in my step and with a smile on my face to my office! 
That reminded me of Coco Chanel's quote, "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive."
That's when I thanked RJ Hrishi Kay on Twitter and I promptly did get a reply!