
Friday, August 15, 2014

Rediscovering Love, With Orchids.... Part I

After spending the entire morning in the Botanic Gardens, I headed to a part of the Gardens, which is home to prettiest orchids, the National Orchid Garden.

A very heavy downpour that lasted over 30 minutes stopped me in my tracks. I had to while away time at the entrance. Luckily, I used this time buy some souvenirs to take back home - Merlion fridge magnets, in fact this was the only thing that fit my budget.... The rest of the stuff there, well, was way above my reach.... 
But, I guess,  I am here to create invaluable memories, and not buy valuable stuff....

Tiger orchids made with gold on display.... they did look pretty....

I bought my ticket, it cost me SGD 5, but the memories I carry back from here are priceless, almost like an instant return on investment....

I was worried I would run out of time, so when the rain reduced to a drizzle, I opened my umbrella and ventured into the orchid garden....

The first orchids I saw were the ones which had been used in my wedding with Neeti.... That gave me a very warm feeling. I missed her company here, I knew she too would have loved to be here.... Maybe we'll come here together someday....

Wherever I looked, I found these orchids that reminded me of Neeti.... Luckily, the wait isn't too long, I meet her tomorrow after her course is over. That sense of anticipation was liberating....

Need I say how pretty are those?

The trail leads me deeper into the garden....

Raindrops on these orchids makes them look prettier....

The brilliant hues are intoxicating....

The brilliance of Nature at its very best....

Pristine white!

And soon I was in the cool house, a glass enclosed space with air conditioning maintaining the temprature and humidity at the right levels for certain species to thrive...

The colours that Nature creates can never, never, be duplicated by mankind....

Baby pink!

Gosh! My camera lens fogged the moment I exited the cool house.... This will slow me down. I need to clean up my camera before I can immortalise the orchids in my photographs....

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