
Friday, December 23, 2016

Moce, Vinaka Vaka Levu, Totoka Fiji!

We are at Nadi International Airport - all set to board our flight back to Incheon and we spent time checking out stuff here...

Chutneys and pickles - a sign of the influence of the Indian diaspora...

Who cares when you are on Fiji Time! "Fiji Time" is an expression for taking it easy, without really having a sense of time...

(Photo credits: Neeti)

Some more expressions of Fiji Time...

Fiji Time, in my view, is an expression of the carefree nature of the Fijian people. Think of it - in metropolises across the world, the only stress people have is centered around the lack time. Will I make it through traffic on time? Will I get to my meeting on time? Will I be a millionaire before 40? I have so much to do, I wish I had 48 hours in a day!
The conclusion - running after time is stress... And that's what Fijians apparently don't do as much as us. When one stops stressing about time, life creeps back into you, you become happy...
What makes Fiji incredibly unique? The carefree and cheerful people, besides the abundant natural beauty that Fiji is blessed with...

We have boarded and are ready to go. Goodbye, Moce Fiji!

Thank you very much, beautiful Fiji - Vinaka Vaka Levu, Totoka Fiji!

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