Saturday, October 22, 2016

I Don't Want Nirvana! I Want Great Food, Always! -- Part XXXV - An Evening At Chercher...

And the final meal in Washington DC had to be an Ethiopian. That was an obvious choice as the Ethiopians are a part of the biggest immigrant community in the city...

The Ethiopian-American relationship dates back to the 1950s, when the Ethiopian Emperor, Haile Selassie was the first Ethiopian emperor to visit the White House, where he met with President Dwight Eisenhower. In October 1963, Selassie returned to get to know John F. Kennedy. Less than two months later, Selassie was the only African leader to attend Kennedy’s funeral.
High level contacts between the leaders encouraged ordinary Ethiopians to head to the United States to study. And quite a few stayed back when the military took over, overthrowing the Emperor, and the wars that ensued brought quite a few migrants.
Today, the city has over 75,000 Ethiopians here who own businesses, restaurants and drive taxis, adding to the vibrancy of the District...

The restaurant is named after the Chercher province in Ethiopia, which is known for its fertile lands and abundant agricultural produce...

Waiting for my table to be ready...

...with a ginger ale for company!

The place was buzzing with only Ethiopians and Eritreans but also whites...

Scanning through the menu...

And here comes my injera with delicious spicy tuna...
I must admit that Ethiopian cuisine has much, much more to offer - a lot that I still have to try and I will live to have a lot more of that, and that's making me say "I Don't Want Nirvana! I Want Great Food, Always!"...

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